- Cafe Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Candy, Nut & Confectionery Wholesale & Retail, Storrs Mansfield - Candy Stores
- Car Rental, Storrs Mansfield - Rental Cars & Lease Service
- Carpenters, Storrs Mansfield - Carpentry Contractors
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Catholic Churches, Storrs Mansfield
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Service, Storrs Mansfield
- Central American Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Chicken Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Storrs Mansfield
- Chinese Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Chiropractor, Storrs Mansfield
- Christian Churches, Storrs Mansfield
- Church Of Christ, Storrs Mansfield
- Churches 1 Of 3, Storrs Mansfield
- City & County Government, Storrs Mansfield
- Clinics, Storrs Mansfield
- Clothing Stores, Storrs Mansfield - Clothes & Accessories
- Coffee, Storrs Mansfield
- Coffee & Tea Stores, Storrs Mansfield
- Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Storrs Mansfield
- Colleges & Universities, Storrs Mansfield
- Communications Services, Storrs Mansfield
- Community Services, Storrs Mansfield
- Computer & Software Stores, Storrs Mansfield
- Congregational Church, Storrs Mansfield
- Construction, Storrs Mansfield
- Consultants & Services, Storrs Mansfield
- Convalescent Homes Placement Services, Storrs Mansfield - Convalescent Care
- Convenience Stores, Storrs Mansfield
- Corporate Attorneys & Lawyers, Storrs Mansfield
- Corporate Business Attorneys & Lawyers, Storrs Mansfield
- Corporate Lawyers & Attorneys, Storrs Mansfield
- Credit Unions, Storrs Mansfield
- Cruise Agents, Storrs Mansfield - Travel Agents
- Cruise Lines, Storrs Mansfield - Cruises
- Custom Sewing & Alterations, Storrs Mansfield